Saturday, 2 June 2018

It Floats!

Monday 21st May 2018 saw the Shefford Duck Punt finally on the water (though not in Shefford).
Packed up and ready to load...
Assisted by my good friend Richard, she was transported to the North Herts and East Beds Sailing Club at Arlesey.
Loaded on the roof rack, without dropping it this time!
You may remember that the punt was built in the garage of my good friend and neighbour, Frank Bond. I really cannot thank Frank enough for his enormous patience and support in allowing me to turn my dream into a reality. So, naming the punt was easy - it's called 'Thanks Frank'.
The least I could do...
This boat is amazing - almost floats out of the water; around 1/2 inch (1cm) displacement unloaded. Better than I'd dared to hope, and perfect for the really shallow rivers in Shefford.
Incredibly easy to launch too, as it floats the moment it kisses the water. No wading in, and the kayak trolley floats (hollow plastic wheels), so when I undo the securing strap I just need to pull it up from under the punt, fold it up and it fits perfectly into the space ahaead of the mast thwart/seat. Nicely out of the way.
Floating, with no leaks!
The maiden voyage was done under paddle power on the beautiful 25 acre 'Blue Lagoon' as I haven't got the Optimist sailing rig yet.
Paddling out to start my first adventure on the Blue Lagoon
The weather was idyllic with warm sunshine and barely any wind, hence the glassy smooth water. I had a good paddle, trying to remember all the stuff I'd seen on You Tube about the J-Stroke. I was totally rubbish, but you have to start somewhere!
Twice as much energy spent keeping it in the right direction than making headway. Practice makes perfect.
Time to celebrate with a bottle of Abbott Ale and Paprika Pringles! Duck Punters know how to live life to the full...
Moored up whilst Abbott and Pringles consumed to celebrate

Richard's turn next.
Richard's turn...
He turned out to be a bit of an eco-warrior - retrieving a lost plastic swimming ring to ensure that it didn't end up in the Pacific, choking Dolphins.
Looking a lot more relaxed and in control than I did. That's what friends are for...
All in all a wonderful experience. Lots more to come!


  1. Hello! I love the work you did on your duck punt! I was wondering what the caps that you have on your float chambers are called and where you got them? I think it's a great idea so that you can access these spots and potentially use them for storing small essentials.

  2. Hi Kerem,
    Congratulations on being the very first person to leave a comment!
    The 'caps' as you call them are buoyancy chamber covers (I'm Shure they have lots of other names - this is the world of boats after all).
    Simple, cheap plastic components widely available on E Bay, Amazon Etc. Depends on how far you want to take it.
    Have barely seen the punt for two years - health issues last year; COVID this year.
    But She's still there and still waiting to help me navigate to King's Lynn.
    Just have to get stars aligning correctly I think!
    Bless you for your interest.
    Start here re the caps:

    BUT, be fussy - lots of different sizes and specs.
